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Trivia Night (April 23, 2025)

  • Vanishing West Ciders 9735 East Colfax Avenue Aurora, CO, 80010 United States (map)
Trivia Night April 23rd Announcement graphic
Trivia Night (April 23, 2025)

Vanishing West Ciders is hosting TRIVIA NIGHT with Mile High Music Patrol! Bring your cranium on over for games, prizes and of course some Buckin' Good Cider!

A Note About Free Events

Some of our events are free to attend! While RSVPs are appreciated to help us plan and provide the best experience, they are not required. Feel free to drop in and enjoy the festivities!

April 18

LIVE MUSIC: Dear Marsha (April 18, 2025)

April 26

Yoga and Cider Class (April 26, 2025)